Grimm’s Magnet Puzzle In Motion


Was: $64.00
Now: $51.20
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A challenging and fun game with a focus on developing listening, comprehension and observation skills: Children can play together: one player poses and the other tries to copy this pose with the magnet figure. Or, one player makes a pose with the puzzle pieces and describes it (the other child can not see it). The other child then tries to set his/her figure in the same pose.
With this game, children concentrate on listening and
understanding as well as observing and describing properly.
An added bonus is children will gain a better understanding
of body proportions and motion sequences.

32 pieces in metal box.
Materials: birch or poplar ply wood, non-toxic water based color stain.
Size: box length 20cm, height of one body ca.20cm, pieces 0,4cm thickness.

Ages: 3+ years