Grimm’s Large White Birthday Ring


Was: $52.00
Now: $41.60
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Grimm’s wooden Birthday Ring, White, 16 hole candle holder.

This Whitewashed Birthday Ring is wonderful as the centre piece on birthday tables, as decoration on a large shelf and on the nature table and can even be used around a birthday cake. The ring can be used in conjunction with the Grimm’s range of spiral decorations and numbers and can turn a birthday celebration into something very special. Decorations can be added that are tailored to a child’s (or Adults) personality or delights, giving a real sense of ceremony to any occasion.

4 pieces, each with 4 holes.
Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain.

The Circle measures approximately 30cm in diameter, and is made from solid Alder. Decorations are sold separately.

  • Brand: Grimm's
  • Age Group: decoration (not for play)
  • Other items sold separately